Full Description
Generic Operations Interfaces Using OSI Tools: Information Model for Integrated Digital Loop Carrier and Fiber in the Loop Systems
Document Number GR-2833
Issue Number 03
Updates REV01 - Dec 1997, REV02 - Dec 1998
Issue Date Dec 1996
Replaces GR-2833-DISK Issue02
ABSTRACT: The information to be exchanged across the operations interfaces in an open environment is formally presented in an information model
in terms of managed object classes that are abstract representations of resources and services in a managed system, and their
properties (i.e., packages, behavior definitions, attributes, operations, notifications, etc.). The purpose of the information model
is to provide a common frame of reference for operations communications for Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (IDLC) and Fiber In The
Loop (FITL) systems for remote network management. This information model is developed using an OSI/CMISE (Open Systems
Interconnection/Common Management Information Service Element) object-oriented design approach and is consistent with the principles
and format in International Standards Organization (ISO) Structure of Management Information (SMI) Part 1.
This Generic Requirements (GR) document presents the view of Telcordia on generic requirements for an operations communications
interface for management of Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (IDLC) and Fiber-in-the-Loop (FITL) systems using the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) management services and protocols. Specifically, this GR proposes an information model that provides a common
frame of reference for operations communications between a managing system and an IDLC system and a managing system and a FITL system.
Revision 1 covers the OSI/CMISE information model developed for IDLC and FITL systems. The information model can be used to support
the development of OSI/CMISE-based management interfaces for IDLC and FITL systems under a variety of scenarios. The purpose of this
document is to provide a platform for managing the variety of technologies and services supported with IDLC and FITL systems as these
systems are deployed. A key goal for this document is to facilitate the development of Element Manager systems by providing the tools
needed for OSI/CMISE element management interfaces in the distributed IDLC and FITL access system environment.
Revision 2 of GR-2833 presents the view of Telcordia on proposed generic requirements for an operations communications interface
for management of GR-303 Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (IDLC) and TA-909 Fiber In The Loop (FITL) systems using the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) management services and protocols defined in ISO/IEC IS 9595 (Common Management Information Service Element
Definition) and ISO/IEC IS 9596 (Common Management Information Protocol), respectively. Many reference managed objects that were
sourced from standards are updated to reflect changes approved in the standards bodies. Other managed objects that were previously
sourced from Telcordia information model document (GR-1042-IMD) are now replaced with managed objects from standards. Requirements
CR4-81 [83v2], CR4-58 [58v2], and R4-52 [52] have been updated.
GR-2833 replaced GR-2833-DISK, TA-NWT-001311, and TA-NWT-001415.
GR-2833 was partly replaced by GR-836-IMD (objects supporting video services in a FITL or HFC system) and GR-1031.
GR-303, GR-303-IMD (replaced TR-TSY-000303-SUP03), and/or GR-909. You may also want tor refer to GR-818, GR-828,
GR-836, GR-836-IMD, GR-1031, GR-1042, GR-1102, and GR-2940; ANSI T1.247: ISO/IEC 10164-12, 10164-18, and
10165-2; ITU-T G.774, M.3100, Q.821, Q.822, and X.721; and DAVIC 1.3, Part 6 (Digital Audio-Visual Council).
This GR also includes one or more Issue List Reports (ILRs) that details open or closed technical issues in the main document. The
ILR(s) are automatically sent free of charge to the GR document purchaser.
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