


Full Description

Simplified Message Desk Interface (SMDI)

Document Number GR-283
Issue Number 03
Issue Date Feb 2002
Replaces TR-NWT-000283 Issue02

    ABSTRACT: Issue 3 of GR-283, Simplified Message Desk Interface (SMDI), replaces Issue 2.

    Message Storage and Retrieval (MSR) Systems provide call coverage for subscribers. When a call cannot be answered by a subscriber of an MSR System, the call is redirected by a call forwarding feature from the subscriber's Directory Number (DN) to another DN associated with the MSR System. Messages may be left by the calling party for the MSR system subscriber. In addition, the MSR System can provide internal procedures for its subscribers to exchange information between message files. The MSR System can also provide internal procedures to allow calling users to dial the MSR System directly to leave messages for a subscriber.

    The MSR System also controls a mechanism, called a Message-Waiting-Indicator (MWI), which informs the subscriber about the status of recorded messages. The subscriber may subscribe to a notification feature that makes use of the status of this MWI. Subscribers of an MSR System can retrieve messages left in a message file at the MSR System by calling the MSR System.

    The Simplified Message Desk Interface (SMDI) is an analog interface between the local Stored Program Controlled Switching System (SPCS) and an MSR System. Calls are distributed to the call answering points with normal call processing or using Multiline Hunt Group (MLHG) features. One or more MLHGs may be associated with the same set of SMDI data links. An identification scheme is assigned in the SPCS to uniquely identify each MLHG and each line in the MLHG, for which call information is provided over the SMDI data link. This identification information is provided to the MSR System, with the call information, to help the MSR System correlate the call information with a call terminating to a particular line.

    The SPCS also receives requests from the MSR System to control (i.e., "operate" or "remove" ) message waiting indication or deliver generic messages to uses who are clients of the MSR System.

    GR-283 provides the Telcordia view of proposed generic requirements for an SMDI data link provided by an SPCS to support MSR capabilities. These requirements support service configurations in which the subscriber and the MSR System are served by the same SPCS. The emphasis in preparing these requirements has been to update earlier issues of this document. Issue 3 of GR-283 reflects changes incorporated into Appendix A to illustrate the use of more recent modem standards, specifically v.34.

    GR-283 replaced TR-NWT-000283.

    When using GR-283, you may need to refer to GR-30, GR-506, GR-1188, GR-303, GR-511, and/or GR-866. You may also want to refer to GR-1401 and/or certain ITU-T recommendations.

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