Full Description
LSSGR: Expanded Announcement System (FSD 20-06-0600)
Document Number GR-675
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Jun 2000
Replaces TR-TSY-000675 Issue01
ABSTRACT: GR-675 replaced TR-TSY-000675, Issue 1, and its revisions, but contains NO TECHNICAL CHANGES from that original document. It has been
issued strictly to conform with the new Telcordia Technologies document format and GR process, and carries a new issue number and date.
When a customer uses one of the services that requires an expanded announcement capability, the announcement system should have the
capability to provide, if necessary, prompting announcements, voice-back customer inputs for verification, and deliver announcements.
This GR discusses the view of Telcordia on generic requirements for an announcement system that is characterized by the ability to
provide variable content and variable length announcements, and the ability to interact with the customer. Revision 1 updated the
requirement for recorded announcement speech level and the method measurement. Revision 2 provided changes associated with the
flexibility of the Expanded Announcement System to support new features such as CLASS features and others. These changes regard the
flexibility to record and update the service announcements by Local Exchange Carriers (LECs) to fit their individual needs.
For your convenience, the revisions have been interfiled into the main document.
GR-666, GR-672, GR-674, GR-675, GR-677, GR-679, GR-690, GR-691, GR-692, GR-693, GR-695,
GR-697, and GR-698, replaced TR-TSY-000530.
Components of this product are:
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