Full Description
Generic Requirements for Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Ohmic Measurement Type Equipment (OMTE)
Document Number GR-3169
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Dec 2013
ABSTRACT: GR-3169 presents the Telcordia and participating industry representatives? view of proposed generic criteria and objectives for
Valve-Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Ohmic Measurement Type Equipment (OMTE) and OMTE-like measurement equipment. The products covered in
this document include full feature and portable hand-held OMTE for use in the Central Office (CO) and Outside Plant (OSP), and at
locations such as Controlled Environmental Vaults (CEVs), Electronic Equipment Enclosures (EEEs), huts, and uncontrolled structures
such as cabinets that house VRLA batteries.
The use of OMTE is a fairly new process to evaluate telecommunications battery plants in a more economical, faster and more
efficient way than traditional battery discharge testing. The requirements and procedures detailed in GR-3169 provide an alternative
approach to determining the state-of-health of stationary batteries backing up critical business services. The proper use of ohmic test
equipment allows battery testing without the need to remove batteries from service to perform costly and time-consuming discharge
tests. It provides faster, less disruptive battery testing that eliminates the inherent risk of removing critical back-up batteries
from service. Data from OMTE can help determine replacement decisions to maximize the life of existing battery plant.
This GR includes general product information and proposed generic functional design criteria, generic mechanical and electrical
requirements, desired features, operational procedures, and test methods for comparing the product against the stated generic
requirements. It is intended for OMTE product manufacturers, VRLA battery manufacturers, and users of VRLA stationary battery plants
such as telecommunications service providers and information technology data center operations.
When using GR-3169, you may want to refer to GR-63, GR-1089, GR-3108, and SR-332.
Components of this product are:
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