Full Description
Generic Requirements for Organizer Assemblies
Document Number GR-769
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Oct 1994
Replaces TR-TSY-000769 Issue01
ABSTRACT: This document identifies the Telcordia view of generic technical requirements for analyzing organizer assemblies for optical fibers,
splices, connectors, and branching devices. Included in this document are the requirements, desired features, characteristics and
objectives for organizer assemblies and the recommended test method for comparing the product against the stated requirements.
GR-769 replaced TR-TSY-000769.
When using GR-769, you may need to refer to GR-63, GR-454, GR-839, and ASTM G21. You may also need to refer to
GR-20, GR-326, GR-409, GR-765, GR-771, GR-1095, GR-1209, GR-1380, GR-1435, ASTM D2863, and/or UL94.
This GR also includes one or more Issue List Reports (ILRs) that details open or closed technical issues in the main document. The
ILR(s) are automatically sent free of charge to the GR document purchaser.
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