Full Description
Generic Requirements for Fiber Optic Attenuators
Document Number GR-910
Issue Number 02
Issue Date Dec 1998
Replaces TR-NWT-000910 Issue02
ABSTRACT: A fiber optic attenuator is a passive optical component that is intended to reduce the optical power propagating in the fiber, and
has a fixed or variable attenuation. Attenuators are typically used in fiber-optic transmission systems to reduce the optical power
received by the photodetector to a level that is within the dynamic range of the optical receiver. GR-910 represents the Telcordia
view of generic requirements and characteristics for single-mode passive optical attenuators. This GR contains information that can be
used by suppliers to determine the generic features that Telcordia believes are needed to provide satisfactory service of attenuators.
It also contains information to help users to select their attenuators needs. The document includes generic operation, mechanical and
performance criteria, and a general description of performance tests.
Issue 2 aligns the requirements with other Telcordia GRs. It includes radiation and cleaning materials requirements; clearly defines
temperature profiles for the controlled and uncontrolled operating environment tests; contains new humidity/condensation cycling test
temperature profile and procedures; and describes the reliability criteria and test procedures for an optical attenuator quality
assurance program.
This document replaces TR-NWT-000910.
When using GR-910, you may need to refer to GR-63, GR-326, and GR-409, GR-1221 and various EIA/TIA FOTPs and
ASTM tests. You may also want to refer to GR-20, GR-78, GR-253, SR-332, GR-357, GR-765, GR-909, and/or
Components of this product are:
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