


Full Description

Automated Reliability Prediction Procedure

Document Number FD-ARPP-01
Issue Number 13
Issue Date Mar 2016

    ABSTRACT: New Version....Reliability Software Tool that Automates the Reliability Prediction Techniques in SR-332, Issue 4, Reliability Prediction Procedure for Electronic Equipment
    The Telcordia Reliability Prediction Procedure (RPP) has a long and distinguished history of use within and outside the telecommunications industry. SR-332, Issue 4, March 2016, provides the only hardware reliability prediction procedure developed from the input and participation of a cross-section of major industrial companies. This lends the procedure and the predictions derived from it a high level of credibility, free from the bias of any individual supplier or service provider.
    The ARPP is an Excel-spreadsheet software tool that automates the reliability prediction procedures in SR-332, Issue 4. It provides suppliers and manufacturers with a simple tool for making RPP calculations. It also provides a means for understanding RPP calculations through the capability of interactive examples provided by the user.
    FD-ARPP-01 contains both SR-332, Issue 4, and the ARPP Excel-spreadsheet software tool.
    About ARPP:

    • Uses SR-332, Issue 4 methodologies: Incorporates the latest changes developed from the input of several major industrial companies
    • Less expensive than other industry reliability calculation software: It provides an alternative to expensive complex software systems, which have the RPP embedded as one of several prediction models
    • Its format is portable and easy to use: The portability and relatively small size of the Excel spreadsheet permits greater flexibility of use than more complex systems
    • Has a parts database capability: Includes the capability to apply a user's internal database that assigns SR-332, Issue 4 device types to specific device products as well as an aid to producing such a database. Drop-down menus ease this process.
    • Eliminates the cumbersome task of replicating formulas and tables: Eliminates the need for SR-332 purchasers to replicate formulas and tables from the SR-332 document into their own tools
    • Ensures the accuracy of calculations:Provides a way for suppliers and manufacturers to double-check calculations made on internal systems.
    AARP is the Telcordia official software implementation of the RPP techniques in the new issue (4) of SR-332. It provides suppliers and manufacturers with a simple, "easy to use" tool for making RPP calculations.
    This document is available with a special licensing agreement.

    View ARPP Licensing Agreement

    View ARPP FAQ Information

    More Information and Demo*

    *This demo is only for demonstrative purposes and was created using the initial version (10.0) of the spreadsheet tool (all the features of Version 10.0 are also contained in the current version (12.1a) and in SR-332, Issue 4.

    Components of this product are:
    SR-332"Reliability Prediction Procedure for Electronic Equipment"


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