Full Description
Generic Requirements for Operations Interfaces Using OSI Tools - Information Model Details: Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Transport Information Model
Document Number GR-1042-IMD
Issue Number 03
Issue Date Dec 1998
ABSTRACT: This document presents the Telcordia proposed generic requirements for the information model of the system management interface between
management systems and Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Network Elements (NEs) using Open System Interconnection (OSI) management
services and protocols. This document provides detailed template and supporting production definitions for the SONET Transport
Information Model using GDMO (Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects) templates and ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)
supporting productions. A companion document, GR-1042 provides an overview and usage requirements for this model, as well as
additional information to aid developers in understanding, implementing, and using the information model.
Issue 3 provides a number of modifications to GR-1042. It contains updates to the BLSR Management Information Model (MIM) to
support Non-pre-emptible Unprotected Traffic (NUT) and adoption of several revised objects from standards. Issue 3 also deprecates
several parts of the model that have been replaced by updated objects.
GR-1042-IMD replaced TR-NWT-001042-DISK.
When using GR-1042-IMD, you may want to refer to GR-836, GR-836-IMD, GR-1114, and GR-1230; ISO 7498-4, 9595 (X.710),
9596-1 (X.711), and 10165 (X.722), ITU-T G.774 and M.3100; and ANSI T1.119.