Full Description
Billing Automatic Message Accounting Format (BAF) Generic Requirements
Document Number GR-1100
Issue Number 17
Issue Date Dec 2012
Replaces TR-NWT-001100 Issue02
ABSTRACT: Automatic Message Accounting (AMA) is the process that generates data from which customers and carriers are billed for their use of
network services and capabilities. GR-1100 contains requirements for the Billing AMA Format (BAF) information recorded to support a
full range of local exchange carrier services. This document has been designed to support the BAF information needs of a broad
audience, including, but not limited to, telecommunications equipment suppliers, and Local Exchange Carriers (LECs).
It is intended for planners of new services and capabilities for which billing is usage-based; for designers, developers, and
implementers; and for individuals involved in AMA operations.
GR-1100 is the authoritative source for the BAF formats that are processed within the billing systems of all major United States
LECs. BAF is the preferred format for all AMA data generated for processing by a LEC Revenue Accounting Office (RAO). The BAF
requirements in this document describe the AMA elements needed to support a complete spectrum of services and technologies, including
local and network interconnection services, operator services, toll-free services, Intelligent Network database services, wireline and
wireless call recording, IP addressing, and broadband data services.
GR-1100 is the only available updated document that defines the BAF recordings generated for call scenarios. It describes the
possible groupings of BAF structures and modules that form BAF records, the connection between service/technology and call type, how
call type and call conditions determine what structure and modules (if any) are selected for generation of a BAF record, and how the
characteristics of the calling/called addresses as well as the services provided are factors in module generation.
Issue 17:
- Updates numerous Tables and Module Codes throughout the document
- Updates Section 6, "Telcordia Documents with BAF Requirements," related to elements referencing GR-3058, Next Generation
Networks (NGN) Accounting Management Generic Requirements
- Updates Section 7, "Index of Changes," which documents changes to BAF elements
- Aligns terminology and text with GR-3058
- Updates the BAF Table, Structure Code, Call Type Code, and Module Code Index identifying elements that were updated in this Issue
GR-1100 replaces TR-NWT-001100.
GR-1100-CORE, Issue 17, Billing Automatic Message Accounting Format (BAF) Generic Requirements, replaces Issue 16.
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