Full Description
Switching and Signaling Generic Requirements for Network Access Services to Personal Communications Services (PCS) Providers
Document Number GR-2801
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Jan 1994
ABSTRACT: This document describes the view of Telcordia on switching and signaling generic requirements to support 1.8 GHz Personal
Communications Services (PCS's) providers. It is one in a series of Telcordia documents which define PCS Access Services that may be
offered to PCS Service Providers (PSPs) by a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) or other service provider. The PCS Access Services described
here are at the PCS Access-Service for Controllers (PASCs) and indirectly the PCS Access Service for Radio Ports (PASPs). The Switch
capabilities described in this document are based on the PCS architecture described in SR-TSV-002459, Personal Communications
Services (PCS's) Network Access Services to PCS Providers (canceled).
The requirements in this GR cover the following network platforms and their associated interactions: Advanced Intelligent Network
(AIN); Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); and Signaling System No.7 (SS7). To present a complete view of the necessary AIN,
ISDN, and SS7 switch functionality to support PASC and PASP, this document: (1) identifies the appropriate existing requirements from
other AIN, ISDN, and SS7 documents, when applicable, and (2) provides new requirements directly in this document. In either case, all
AIN and ISDN capabilities identified in this document (new or existing) are represented as parts of AIN 0.1 or 0.2 and National ISDN
1, 2, or 3.
Revision 1 contains changes to the view of Telcordia on generic requirements to support Network Access Services for Personal
Communications Services (PCS's) Providers.
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