Full Description
Generic Requirements for Trouble Administration Electronic Bonding
Document Number GR-2872
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Dec 1994
ABSTRACT: Electronic Bonding (EB) allows a Local Exchange Carrier's (LEC's) customer to connect their Operations Systems (OS's) with the LEC's
OS's in support of specific Customer Network Management (CNM) applications.
This Generic Requirements (GR) document focuses on one such application: Trouble Administration (TA). TA EB allows a LEC's customer
to electronically report trouble, receive progress reports regarding trouble, and query the LEC regarding this trouble. It also allows
the LEC to notify its customers about a trouble the customer had not reported.
The GR sets forth the view of Telcordia on a communications interface for TA EB, the security mechanisms for the interface, and the
information exchanged between the LEC and its customer across the EB interface. This information is based on applicable T1
Components of this product are:
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