Full Description
CCSNIS Supporting Network Interconnection Using High Speed Signaling Links (HSLS)
Document Number GR-2946
Issue Number 03
Issue Date Nov 1999
ABSTRACT: GR-2946, CCSNIS Supporting Network Interconnection Using High-Speed Signaling Links (HSLs), sets forth the Telcordia view of proposed
generic network interface requirements on interconnecting client company Common Channel Signaling (CCS) networks and other
Interconnecting CCS Networks (ICNs) using High-Speed Signaling (HSL) links. As defined in this document, HSL links, operating at a
physical layer rate of 1.544 Mbps and using the ATM protocol and Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer Protocol (SAAL) at level 2, are used to
replace 56-kbps signaling links using the MTP Level 2 protocol where additional signaling capacity is required. Focusing particularly
on HSLs, GR-2946 provides only those requirements necessary to support HSLs across a CCS network interface and refers to GR-905-
for other signaling network interconnection interface requirements.
The ICNs include Interexchange Carriers (IXCs), International Carriers (INCs), and Other LATA Carriers (OLCs), including Independent
Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs), Competing Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), IntraLATA Toll Providers, and Wireless Service PRoviders
(WSPs). It is important to note the difference between this specification and other generic requirements documents. Most other
requirements address individual network elements and focus on the information needs of equipment suppliers who develop those elements,
while this specification focuses on the needs of the interfaces between clients' networks and ICNs. Familiarity with related
requirements documents listed in Section 1.3 will assist the reader in understanding this document.
GR-2946 is being reissued to incorporate clarifications, revisions, and corrections to the generic criteria published in Issue 2 of
GR-2946, based on industry input, revised industry standards, and revisions to related Telcordia GR documents. Principal revisions
include verification of default values and configurable ranges for SAAL timers and other parameters, clarifications and additions
regarding the application of Forced Proving and providing minor updates to assure compatibility between this document and
Components of this product are:
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