


Full Description

Module Specific Generic Requirements for Specialized Processing Modules (SPMS) for the Automatic Message Accounting Data Networking System (AMADNS)

Document Number GR-2966
Issue Number 04
Issue Date Dec 2000
Replaces GR-1375 Issue00

    ABSTRACT: Issue 4 of GR-2966, Module-Specific Generic Requirements for Specialized Processing Modules (SPMs) for the Automatic Message Accounting Data Networking System (AMADNS), replaces Issue 3.

    The Automatic Message Accounting (AMA) Data Networking System (AMADNS)) is currently being deployed by telecommunications carriers for AMA data collection to support customer billing and other applications. AMADNS improves on existing AMA teleprocessing capabilities by supporting near real-time data transfer (i.e., on the order of 2 to 5 minutes) to multiple AMA data applications. In addition, AMADNS enables the installation of software known as specialized processing modules (SPMs), which provide additional specialized data processing functions, enhancing the overall data collection process.

    The AMADNS generic requirements are contained in GR-1343. The requirements in GR-1343 define a software execution environment in which specialized processing can occur, but do not provide detailed definitions for any specific SPMs (although several potential SPMs are discussed in Appendix B of GR-1343). The goal of GR-2966 is to provide further definition, in the form of generic requirements, for particular AMADNS SPMs that have been identified as critical to meeting carriers' AMA data collection needs.

    Issue 4 adds sections to include new requirements that define three new SPMs for Error Correction, Expansion, and Reduction. Section 2 has been reorganized to include certain common requirements that apply to several different SPMs. The common requirements that originally appeared in Section 4 through Section 9 were consolidated and transferred to Section 2.

    When using GR-2966, you may need to refer to GR-1343, GR-2945, GR-1100, GR-2976, and/or ISO 8824.

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