Full Description
CCSNIS Supporting Network Interconnection Using IP-Based Virtual High Speed Signaling Links (IPVHSLs)
Document Number GR-3029
Issue Number 02
Issue Date Dec 2001
ABSTRACT: Issue 2 of GR-3029, CCSNIS Supporting Network Interconnection Using IP-Based Virtual High-Speed Signaling Links (IPVHSLs), presents the
preliminary Telcordia view of proposed generic network interface requirements for the interconnection of client-company Common Channel
Signaling (CCS) networks with Interconnecting CCS Networks (ICNs) of other carriers using Internet Protocol (IP) -Based Virtual High
Speed Signaling links (IPVHSLs). Specifically these refer to IPVHSLs as defined in GR-3021.
IPVHSLs shall use the signaling protocol stack defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Signaling Transport (SIGTRAN)
Working Group for the Signaling System 7 (SS7) Message Transfer Part (MTP) Layer 2 Peer-to-Peer User Adaptation Layer, more commonly
known as M2PA, over an IP-based data network for signaling message transport. The employed protocol stack utilizes the following
protocol layers for the exchange of signaling messages between CCS network signaling points:
- the current SS7 Message Transfer Part - Level 3 (MTP3) at the signaling network layer
- over M2PA as an adaptation layer protocol
- over the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) at the transport layer
- over the Internet Protocol (IP) at the data-network layer
- over implementation-dependent Network Access Protocol (NAP) and physical layers
This IP-based signaling transport architecture is proposed to be used instead of conventional signaling links, which now utilize
dedicated, fixed-bandwidth interoffice transmission facilities to support the transmission paths between SS7 signaling points, both
within and between the involved carriers CCS networks. As used in this document, conventional links refer to existing
56-kilobit-per-second (Kbps) links based on the MTP level 2 (MTP2) protocol and existing 1.5 megabit-per-second (Mbps) links utilizing
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM-based) signaling data links and the Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer (SAAL) as a link-layer protocol. The
architecture is intended to facilitate the replacement of such conventional signaling links between the involved client companys CCS
nodes and the ICN nodes with IPVHSLs. The use of IPVHSLs across the network interface is intended to provide for a more efficient and
more flexible utilization of the underlying bandwidth in the carriers' interoffice transport facilities network and conserve CCS node
equipment ports.
This GR defines the CCS network architecture and signaling protocols that could be used by the client companies on such network
interfaces to ICNs. In particular, it defines network scenarios in which IPVHSLs can be used; interface requirements for the IP, SCTP,
and M2PA layers; MTP3 protocol requirements; capacity engineering considerations; and transition considerations for the signaling
network interface.
Focusing particularly on IPVHSLs, this GR provides only those incremental requirements and guidelines necessary to support such
links across a CCS network interface and, as such supplements GR-905. GR-905 provides more general signaling network interconnection
interface requirements. It is important to note a difference between this specification and other generic requirements documents. Most
other GR documents address individual network elements and focus on the information needs of equipment suppliers who develop those
elements, while this specification focuses on the needs of the interfaces between the clients networks and ICNs.
Issue 2 of this GR incorporates clarifications, revisions, and corrections to the generic criteria published in Issue 1, as well as
to reflect revised draft industry standards and revisions to related Telcordia GRs.
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