Full Description
Telcordia Generic Requirements for Network Equipment in the Outside Plant (OSP)
Document Number GR-3108
Issue Number 05
Issue Date Dec 2022
ABSTRACT: GR-3108 defines environmental, mechanical and electrical testing criteria and provides design and performance requirements to help
ensure that the electronic equipment located in Outside Plant (OSP) facilities will operate reliably over the equipment's expected
Issue 5 was revised to harmonize with the most recent editions of Telcordia GR-63, GR-487, GR-950, GR-1089,
GR-3171, GR-3178 and other related generic requirements (GRs) and to clarify the document based on questions received from
testing laboratories and other GR users. The intent of Issue 5 is to add clarity to the test procedures and requirements, and it can be
assumed that products that meet the requirements of Issue 4 would also meet the requirements of Issue 5 without requiring any
additional testing.
Changes to Issue 5 include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Clarified "Definition of Damage" to help in the understanding of what could be considered equipment damage as a result of
- Updated "Cold Start" requirement.
- Provided additional rational for salt fog testing as well as a discussion of Salt Fog and MFG Testing.
- Added a new appendix called "Interactions Between Generic Requirements Documents GR-3108, GR-487, GR-950, GR-3178". This is a
significant addition to GR-3108 that will allow ease of use and understanding. Included are environmental classes general descriptions
that will assist in the use of GR-3108.
- Provided additional information on telecommunication racks.
- Provided information on loads for wireless equipment that can be used for testing.
- Under, "Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electrical Safety Criteria", new GR-1089 port types and supporting information were
- Provided additional information to help the reader with acoustic noise measurements.
When using GR-3108, you may need to refer to GR-63, GR-1089, GR-487, GR-3171, and GR-3178, as well as various
industry standards documentation.
Issue 5 of GR-3108 replaces Issue 4, July 2018.
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