Full Description
Generic Requirements for a Service Provider Location Information Server (LIS)
Document Number GR-3158
Issue Number 02
Issue Date Jun 2009
ABSTRACT: Issue 2 of GR-3158, Generic Requirements for a Service Provider Location Information Server (LIS), replaces Issue 1.
This document details requirements for the functionality and interfaces of a Location Information Server (LIS) providing location
capabilities in a service provider network. Specifically, the LIS is responsible for the location determination and location
acquisition functions required to support emergency call processing.
Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1), and emergency calling in general, relies on the use of the location of the emergency caller as the basis
for routing the call to the correct Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Location is also needed to dispatch the appropriate emergency
responders to the right place. The LIS is the element responsible for determining the location of a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
endpoint and subsequently providing the location to the endpoint or other entity so that it can be used to determine routing for an
emergency call. The National Emergency Number Association (NENA) interim (i2) and long-term (i3) architectural solutions for VoIP
emergency calling include specifications for the functionality of a LIS.
This document addresses location capabilities, including determination of the location and providing location information (known as
location acquisition), for a LIS in a service provider network supporting a NENA i2 Solution via a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) access
network. Location determination and acquisition for a LIS in an enterprise network will not be addressed in this document.
This document addresses the location capabilities required for VoIP emergency calling. A VoIP service relies on a combination of
network capabilities at different functional layers. A physical connection to the network that supports broadband service is required.
Internet Protocol (IP) connectivity is also needed, along with support for voice. The provider for broadband access, internet service,
and voice service may or may not be the same entity. Additionally, the manner in which a LIS supports location determination and
location acquisition is dependent on the network layer at which it is operating, the type of network at each layer, and may
additionally be influenced by the business relationship between providers of each network layer. This document addresses LIS support
for location determination and location acquisition for residential VoIP service being provided over a DSL broadband access network.
Issue 2 aligns with the current positions of related standards bodies and industry groups, including the National Emergency Number
Association (NENA), the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) Emergency Services Interconnection Forum (ESIF)
committee, and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Changes in Issue 2 include:
- Support for an industry standard location-by-reference solution in place of the NENA-specific solution, consistent with planned
changes in the definition of the i2 Solution in the next issue of NENA 08-001
- Alignment with the latest specification for the HTTP-Enabled Location Determination (HELD) protocol, including changes for support
for one parameter for civic addresses and additional values for the responseTime parameter
- Alignment with changes to the NENA v7 interface between the LIS and Validation Database (VDB) for removal of an alternate VDB
parameter in the response to the LIS and changes to the v9 interface used by the LIS to discover a VDB
This GR also includes one or more Issue List Reports (ILRs) that detail open or closed technical issues in the main document. The
ILR(s) are automatically sent free of charge to the GR document purchaser.
When using GR-3158, you may want to refer to GR-3113, GR-3118, GR-3130, and GR-3156 as well as various industry
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