Full Description
Telcordia Generic Requirements for Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Systems for Telecommunications Use
Document Number GR-3168
Issue Number 03
Issue Date Jul 2023
ABSTRACT: This Generic Requirements document (GR) presents proposed generic criteria for Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries intended to
function seamlessly with DC power plants and provide reliable backup power to load equipment located in a network environment of a
typical telecommunications service provider.
NiMH batteries compliant with the criteria in this document are recommended for deployment in the Central Office (CO), Outside Plant
(OSP), and at locations such as Controlled Environmental Vaults (CEVs), Electronic Equipment Enclosures (EEEs), and huts, and in
uncontrolled structures such as cabinets.
The objectives of GR-3168 are to:
- Simplify the complexities associated with product introduction, qualification, and deployment by providing a common framework
for evaluating and qualifying various NiMH battery technologies.
- Help ensure robust battery design and manufacturing early in the product's life cycle.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of protection circuitry.
- Provide functional design and technical guidelines for this new technology.
- Present commentaries that address the complexities of assessing NiMH battery service life.
Reasons for GR-3168-CORE, Issue 3:
This latest issue adds a requirement to the Electrical Safety Section for listing by US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
This document does not address or define criteria for:
- NiMH battery subsystem design and specification (i.e., the design and specification of component cell(s), protection switches,
fuses, separators, rupture disks, etc.).
- Recommended practices for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of NiMH batteries.
- NiMH flooded battery systems.
Proper safety precautions shall be followed for all tests conducted. Proper safety precautions are necessary to prevent injury.
Use of these test procedures is solely at the user's risk.
When using GR-3168, you may need to refer to GR-63, GR-78, GR-474, GR-513, GR-1089 and GR-3108.
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$975.00 |