Full Description
LSSGR: Common Channel Signaling, Section 6.5
Document Number GR-606
Issue Number 06
Issue Date Dec 2004
Replaces TR-NWT-000606 Issue03
ABSTRACT: Issue 6 of GR-606, LSSGR: Common Channel Signaling, Section 6.5, replaces Issue 5.
Common Channel Signaling (CCS) is a method for exchanging information between Stored Program Control Systems (SPCSs) that are
interconnected through a network of signaling links. CCS nodes may include, but are not limited to, switching systems, network
databases, and operator services systems. When implemented on an SPCS, CCS serves a dual role:
- It provides the transport mechanism necessary to carry feature information between the SPCS and other nodes in the CCS
- It defines how service information shall be encoded to allow other nodes to correctly interpret CCS communications from the
The description of CCS in this document focuses on switching system capabilities required for signaling information transport. The
procedures described in this document are based on the specification of Signaling System Number 7 (SS7).
Issue 6 of GR-606 clarifies MTP Restart requirements to clearly state that Traffic Restart Allowed (TRA) messages are expected to be
received from nodes that are available on directly accessible link sets.
GR-606 replaces TR-NWT-000606.
When using GR-606, you will need to refer to GR-246. You may also need to refer to GR-378, GR-478, GR-508,
GR-2878, GR-82, TA-TSY-000083, GR-284, GR-317, GR-394, FR-439, TR-TSY-000458, GR-474, GR-510,
GR-512, TR-TSY-000821, GR-833, GR-1245, GR-1298, GR-2857, GR-2932, ITU-T Rec. V.35, and/or ANSI T1
Technical Requirement No. 2.
This GR also includes one or more Issue List Reports (ILRs) that details open or closed technical issues in the main document. The
ILR(s) are automatically sent free of charge to the GR document purchaser.
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