Full Description
OTGR Section 11.2: Operations Technology Generic Requirements (OTGR): Generic Operations Interface - OSI Communications Architecture
Document Number GR-828
Issue Number 01
Updates REV02 - Oct 1996
Issue Date Oct 1996
Replaces TR-NWT-000828 Issue02
ABSTRACT: Interactive class of applications exchange messages that are time-critical, spontaneous, and often limited in length, to perform an
atomic unit of work.
The operations applications areas in this category include: Network Maintenance Application (such as Performance Monitoring, Alarm
Surveillance, and Testing); Network Traffic Management; Provisioning (Configuration Management); and Network Traffic Data Collection.
File-oriented applications exchange information that can be stored, manipulated, and exchanged as files. The operations applications
in this category include: Automatic Message Accounting (Accounting Management); Network Element Memory Backup and Restoration; and
Software Download.
This document presents the view of Telcordia on communications requirements for Interactive and File-oriented class of applications.
The additional services and protocols required to support the two classes of applications are presented in this document for each
layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model. Separate protocol stacks are defined in the upper layer to support
either the Interactive Class or the File-oriented Class of application.
Revision 2 replaces Revision 01 and includes:
- Added requirements for the X interface and Interdomain Routing Protocol (IDRP)
- Added requirements for Directory Service arising from management requirements for the use of Directory Service across the X
- Added requirements and objectives concerning protocol security mechanisms arising from sensitivities to interjurisdiction
- Added objectives for support of the 1994 ASN.1 notational language as documented in ITU-T X.680-X.683 and encoding rules documented
in ITU-T X.690-X.692.
GR-828 replaced TR-NWT-000828 and TA-TSY-000285.
When using GR-828, you may need to refer to TR-NWT-001112, GR-1113, and GR-1469; ANSI T1.204, T1.208, T1.224, and
T1.252; ITU-T E.164, M.3010, M.3320, M.3100, Q.811, Q.812, V.35, X.25, X.121, X.213 thru 217, X.224 thru 227, X.233, X.244, X.500,
X.509, X.511, X.519, X.622, X.623, X.625, X.881, X.882; Internet RFCs 791, 793, and 1006; ISO/IEC 2110, 2593, 7776, 8072, 8073, 8208,
8571, 8650, 8802, 8824, 8878, 9542, 9595, 95596-1, 10040, 10589, 10607, 10608, 10609, 10747, 11183, and 11586; NIST 500-202; and
EIA-232-C, EIA-232-D, EIA-232-E.
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