


Full Description

Generic Requirements for Single and Multi-Fiber Strippers

Document Number GR-955
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Jul 2003
Replaces TR-NWT-000955 Issue02

    ABSTRACT: GR-955 replaces TR-NWT-000955, Issue 2, January 1994, but contains NO TECHNICAL CHANGES from that original document. It has been issued strictly to conform with the new Telcordia Techn logies document format and GR process, and carries a new issue number and date.

    GR-955 provides the Telcordia view of generic requirements and objectives for fiber optic strippers that should be met in order to meet the typical needs of Local Exchange Carriers (LECs) and other service providers. The GR provides criteria for analyzing single- and multi-fiber (ribbon) stripping tools that are used to remove the coating from single and multiple fibers. The document includes requirements for the tool, for analyzing the tensile strength of stripped fibers, and for environmental testing to simulate field conditions.

    When using GR-955, you may need to refer to GR-63, NEBS(TM) Requirements: Physical Protection, GR-1252, Quality System Generic Requirements for Hardware, GR-454, Supplier Documentation for Network Elements, and GR-765, Generic Requirements for Single-Mode Fiber Splicing Systems.

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