Full Description
Generic Requirements for Telecommunications Line Protector Units (TLPUs)
Document Number GR-974
Issue Number 04
Issue Date Dec 2010
Replaces GR-1361 Issue00
ABSTRACT: This GR contains the Telcordia view of generic requirements for Telecommunications Line Protector Units (TLPUs). These generic
requirements should be met to satisfy the needs of the telecommunications network applications of a typical telecommunications service
provider. TLPUs installed in their protector mounting are intended to prevent unwanted surge voltages and currents on the Outside Plant
(OSP) from reaching terminal equipment used in telecommunications networks. These unwanted surges in the telecommunications network may
arise, for example, from effects of lightning or power-line faults either by direct or indirect strike or fault, ground potential rise,
coupling, or induction to the cable plant.
GR-974 proposes generic requirements that a TLPU shall meet to avoid interference with the operation of telecommunications networks
and also to provide surge limiting that is compatible with telecommunications networks. This GR contains criteria suitable to specific
network applications (e.g., telephony, T1-carriers, high-speed digital networks) and allows the users to select the appropriate surge
protector criteria that fit best to their network application. Users are encouraged to carefully evaluate their network capabilities
when selecting the surge protector criteria. This GR provides the user with 4 different voltage-limiting options to select: 5 ESS
voltage limiting, low voltage limiting, medium voltage limiting, and high voltage limiting.
What's New in Issue 4:
- Covers the new generation of protector units such as solid-state arresters, gas-tube arresters, fusible links, or a hybrid
combination of gas-tube, solid-state components, fusible links, or other technologies
- Expanded generic requirements for high-speed data testing to include frequencies up to 250 MHz (e.g., Digital Subscriber Lines
ADSL2+, VDSL2), 10/100/1000BASE-T, 10GBASE-T, and HDSLx
- Two new sections: Section 8, "Insulation Displacement Connector (IDC) Physical Requirements," and Section 9, "Fused TLPUs"
- Updated test procedures.
This is the one document that contains all the general, electrical, mechanical, and environmental requirements for telecommunication
line protector units. This document is referred to by major service providers as the base requirements for these products. The GR has
requirements, and test methods in one document.
This GR also includes one or more Issue List Reports (ILRs) that detail open or closed technical issues in the main document. The
ILR(s) are automatically sent free of charge to the GR document purchaser.
Issue 4 of GR-974, Generic Requirements for Telecommunications Line Protector Units (TLPUs), replaces Issue 3 and GR-1361,
Generic Requirements for Gas Tube Protector Units (GTPUs).
Issue 1 of GR-974 replaced TR-NWT-000974.
When using GR-974, you may need to refer to GR-63, GR-1089, GR-78, GR-2759, GR-209, GR-126, and GR-136.
You may need to refer to certain ANSI, ASTM and UL standards.
Components of this product are:
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