Full Description
Billing AMA Format (BAF) Test Scripts
Document Number SR-1977
Issue Number 05
Issue Date Dec 2005
ABSTRACT: Automatic Message Accounting (AMA) is the process that generates data from which customers and carriers are billed for their use of
network services and capabilities. The Billing AMA Format (BAF) is a system of abstract syntax and semantics that supports coding of
AMA data into data records. The test scripts contained in SR-1977 are designed to verify the correct usage of BAF according to
Telcordia requirements. It is intended for developers and implementers, and for individuals involved in AMA operations.
Issue 5 of SR-1977 replaces Issue 4, and contains Categories 20 through 36.
When using SR-1977, you will need to refer to GR-1100-CORE, and GR-1298-CORE. You may want to refer to GR-215-CORE,
GR-217-CORE, GR-219-CORE, GR-227-CORE, GR-508-CORE, GR-578-CORE, GR-690-CORE, GR-1083-CORE,
GR-1504-CORE, and GR-2936-CORE.