


Full Description

General Guidelines for Telcordia Certification

Document Number SR-3858
Issue Number 04
Issue Date Feb 2018

    SR-3858 is provided to inform the industry of Telcordia-NIS general guidelines for Telcordia-NIS Certification.

    Certification of product capabilities is a Telcordia-NIS service offered to equipment manufacturers. It is part of the Telcordia-NIS Certification and Registration Program. Both Certification and Registration offer Marks as an indication of 100% conformance to a set of defined criteria. Product Certification focuses on product performance in relation to specified sets of criteria. Process Registration focuses on the process conformance to specified sets of criteria.

    Certification has two major components: (1) Certification Assessment, and (2) Certification Mark Support (CMS). Certification Assessment determines if a product is 100% conformant to a specified set of criteria (called Certification Type) addressing specific technologies and capabilities for a product type. Certification Mark Support provides for the use of the Telcordia-NIS Certification Mark, helps to ensure continued conformance, and assesses the need for recertification. The Certification criteria are selected by Telcordia-NIS from various sources such as published Telcordia Generic Requirements documents (GRs) and industry standards, both of which have been extensively socialized with the industry. These criteria, constituting a Certification Type, are referred to in publicly available Telcordia Special Reports (SRs), and are grouped based on technologies and capabilities.

    Issue 4 of SR-3858, General Guidelines for Telcordia Certification, replaces Issue 3.

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