Full Description
Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Data Format
Document Number SR-4731
Issue Number 02
Issue Date Jul 2011
ABSTRACT: The OTDR Data Format is a unique software tool used to store all OTDR equipment fiber data in an implementable, consistent format.
SR-4731, Issue 2, is the first update to this format in 10 years and contains:
- Updated information culled from OTDR industry developments over the last 10 years
- Alignment of the data format's fields with the coding used by high-quality software to archive and analyze the information stored
in this data format
- Clarity of the format to encourage its use as a template and datum for future Outside Plant (OSP) records
- Complete compatibility with SR-4731, Issue 1, GR-196, and GR-1295
- Reinforcement of the use of the Telcordia OTDR Data Format to encourage its use as a template and datum for future Outside Plant
(OSP) records.
The material in this SR is based on the previous definition of the OTDR Data Format in
- Appendixes A and B of GR-196, Generic Requirements for Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Type Equipment
- SR-4731, Issue 1
It is important for Bellcore Data Format, Issue 1, users and developers to understand that Telcordia has taken as its prime
responsibility in implementing modifications to Issue 1 of SR-4731 the preservation of the continued compatibility of SR-4731, Issue 2,
with the original version of the OTDR Data Format. SR-4731, Issue 2, describes a Data Format that has not been technically changed, but
cleaned up, expanded a bit to increase its usefulness, and that contains clearer explanations.
While the data format in this SR appears to be for OTDRs, its ultimate potential for this file format is much greater. It can
provide a vehicle for the collection, transport, and storage of all OSP fiber physical measurements and records. If measurements are
placed in an expanded version of the format, it will provide a universal platform from which various software can be developed. It will
also provide a convenient data interface for sophisticated corporate fiber databases to store fiber plant records.
Issue 2 of SR-4731, Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Data Format, replaces Issue 1.