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Telcordia Notes on Common Channel Signaling (CCS) Networks...FREE
Document Number SR-NOTES-SERIES-17
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Dec 2001
ABSTRACT: The Common Channel Signaling (CCS) Network has been the foundation technology for nearly all revenue-producing services in the Public
Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) network. Carriers must ensure that its CCS network continues to support services and regulatory
requirements reliably, even as new technologies and interconnection scenarios are being introduced into the PSTN.
To grow and maintain this important revenue-generating network, it is necessary to understand the inner workings of the CCS network.
For service providers just entering the area of local competition, this requires that employees be brought up to speed quickly and
efficiently on the aspects of and issues associated with operating a CCS network.
Notes on Common Channel Signaling (CCS) Networks, another release in the popular Telcordia Notes series, provides a comprehensive
overview of the CCS network. From the history, background, and basic elements through a discussion of what the future may bring, this
Special Report covers important aspects that make up the CCS network.
This Special Report is intended to serve as a tutorial for anyone trying to master the complexities of the CCS network. The
discussion of the CCS network is broken up into manageable pieces that allow you to understand the different aspects that make up the
CCS network. Specifically, you will learn:
- Background Information- Learn the motivations that drove the creation of the CCS networks, while also getting a high-level
overview of the technologies that existed before the emergence of CCS networks
- CCS Network Architecture - Learn about the different network architecture models being used in industry today, and review the
specific network elements that make up the CCS network
- CCS Network Management - Understand the systems that are used to manage the CCS networks
- Signaling Protocol - Learn about the SS7 protocol, which is used extensively in CCS networks to communicate between network
elements. The different layers that make up the SS7 protocol are also described
- Services - Learn how the CCS network is used to provide supplementary voice services. This will give you an understanding of how
all the elements of the CCS network work to provide these network services
- Standards - Review the different Standards bodies that are involved in formulating procedures that enable the CCS network to work
With the Notes on...series, Telcordia Technologies has devised a starting point for your search through the rapidly developing world of
telecommunications. Written by the authors of the successful Telcordia Notes on the Networks document SR-2275, this series
similarly contains technical material of interest to engineering and planning groups, as well as descriptions of the characteristics
and background of these subjects in layman's terms. The difference is that Telcordia Notes on...zeroes in on one technology in each
document and breaks it down into manageable terms. From the history, background, and basic elements through a discussion of what the
future may bring, our subject matter experts cover the important aspects in as few words as possible. Each document in the series deals
with complex, highly technical subjects, and presents the information in a way that makes it accessible and understandable to a variety
of readers.