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Telcordia Notes on ENUM...FREE

Document Number SR-NOTES-SERIES-21
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Sep 2002

    ABSTRACT: This document discusses ENUM (a term derived from tElephone NUmber Mapping), which is appearing as a key enabler for large-scale deployment of converged communications services. Convergence of communications services is currently underway across the previously separate worlds of wireline, wireless, and Internet networks. The ENUM implementation framework is globally, regionally, and nationally unfolding and can significantly impact the industry-competitive landscape in the telecommunications, Internet, and convergence industries.

    For a network service provider, Telcordia is confident that ENUM can enable increased revenue with innovative, value-added features, and, because it builds on a carrier's telephony brand and numbering, creates a special opportunity for Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) operators.

    ENUM enables carriers to create new revenue-generating services, without expensive capital programs, which can utilize existing wireless assets, existing IP networks, existing carrier IN/AIN assets, and existing telephone numbering assets. By this means, only a minimum of additional assets need be deployed to create a new service, which can reach customers both inside and outside regulated serving areas.

    The purpose of Telcordia Notes on ENUM is to outline key aspects of ENUM to help the reader determine the impact ENUM can have on their specific area of interest. It includes an explanation of what ENUM is and how it can be used, illustrating how the global common tree system is unfolding, with particular detail on the US system. Alternative ENUM systems and how they work are also discussed, and how trees might interoperate with each other. With Telcordia Notes on ENUM, you will get:

    • An overview of ENUM, and the motivation behind it, to help one understand the basic concept of ENUM.
    • A description of the status and progression of worldwide implementation of ENUM.
    • Examples of communications services that are enabled by ENUM, allowing the reader to envision convergent communication services.
    • A historical summary of the development of ENUM.
    • Details on the common tree to help one understand the emerging international administrative and technical structure, and how the international and US national standards work is being accomplished.
    • Details on alternative trees that can help the reader understand how other trees can coexist as well as their potential structures.
    • Details on how distinct trees, either the common tree or alternative trees, might interoperate with each other.
    • Identification of pacing factors for the industry rollout of ENUM.
    • Six appendices to provide clarification and background information.
    With the Notes on... series, Telcordia Technologies has devised a starting point for your search through the rapidly developing world of telecommunications. Written by the authors of the successful Telcordia Notes on the Networks document (SR-2275), this series similarly contains technical material of interest to engineering and planning groups, as well as descriptions of the characteristics and background of these subjects in layman's terms. The difference is that the Telcordia Notes on Technology series zeroes in on one technology in each document and breaks it down into manageable terms. From the history, background, and basic elements through a discussion of what the future may bring, our subject matter experts cover the important aspects in as few words as possible. Each document within the series deals with complex, highly technical subjects, and presents the information in a way that makes it accessible and understandable to a variety of readers.

    Related document is SR-2275.

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