Full Description
Optical Isolators: Reliability Issues and Proposed Tests
Document Number SR-NWT-002855
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Nov 1993
ABSTRACT: Optical Isolators (OIs) are passive optical components that allow light to propagate (with low loss) in one direction, but isolate
reflected light from propagating in the reverse direction. This type of device can be: (1) a component part of an integrated optical
transmitter, an integrated optical receiver, or an Optical Fiber Amplifier (OFA), or (2) a separate stand-alone unit. OIs are used to
improve the performance of many devices such as external modulators, Distributed Feedback (DFB) lasers, Fabry-Perot lasers,
semiconductor amplifiers, and diode-pumped solid-state lasers.
This Special Report (SR) outlines the Telcordia views of OI reliability issues and reliability assurance criteria. The SR is
intended to identify potential reliability issues for Local Exchange Carrier (LECs) and Telcordia personnel concerned with OIs or units
containing OIs. These issues are also meant to be socialized with industry through comment on this SR.