


Full Description

Stored Program Control System Operations System (SPCS/OS) - Network Traffic Management Operations System (NTM OS) Interface via a Network Data Collection Operations System (NDC OS)

Document Number TR-746
Issue Number 05
Issue Date Mar 2000
Replaces TR-NWT-000746 Issue04

    ABSTRACT: Issue 5 of TR-746, Operations system (NTM OS) Interface via a Network Data Collection Operations system (NDC OS), replaces Issue 4 of TR-NWT-000746.

    In this document, the term Network Management (NM) refers to the monitoring and control of call processing and routing functions within a local exchange telephone company network. The major objective of NM is to keep a switched telecommunications network operating at maximum efficiency when unusually heavy calling or major traffic handling equipment failures would otherwise cause network congestion and a consequent reduction of the network's call handling ability. The use of NM techniques helps minimize the effects of these traffic overloads and equipment failures.

    NTM OS is a separate operations system connected by data links to NDC OS's. Each NDC OS, in turn, has individual dedicated data links to many Stored Program Control Systems (SPCS's)_. (Note: The NTM OS interface specified in this document is concerned solely with the NM messages transmitted between NTM OS, NDC CIS and the SPCS, and vice versa.) The NM messages are in addition to the normal NDC CIS data polling and data transmissions between NDC OS and the SPCS. The NDC OS-to-SPCS interface is described in TR-740, and must be operational to implement the NTM OS requirements. In summary, the NTM OS messages may be considered as overlaying the routine traffic data gathering between the SPCS and NDC OS.

    This document describes an SPCS-to-NDC OS interface that provides for the transmission of NTM OS messages in both directions. It does not specify the interface between NDC OS and NTM OS. TR-740 specifies the polling and data gathering requirements between the SPCS and NDC OS, as well as the dedicated, synchronous data link requirements and BX.25 message protocols. The terms "Request" and "Response" are used throughout this document to indicate message direction. "Request" indicates an NDC OS-to-SPCS message or NTM OS to NDC OS to SPCS message, while "Response" means a message in the opposite direction, i.e., SPCS to NDC OS to NTM OS.

    In Issue 5, the interface was updated with a new 5-minute packet to provide traffic surveillance support for TDM/ATM Gateways. In addition to the new packet, an outdated reference pointer in Section 3.2, which points to the application level requirements in TR-740, has been updated.

    GR-730, TR-TSY-000732, TR-TSY-000734, TR-TSY-000736, GR-738, TR-740, GR-741, TR-TSY-000742, TR-TSY-000743, TR-TSY-000744, and TR-746 replaced TR-TSY-000537.

    This GR also includes one or more Issue List Reports (ILRs) that details open or closed technical issues in the main document. The ILR(s) are automatically sent free of charge to the GR document purchaser.

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