Full Description
Compatibility Information for Feature Group D Switched Access Service
Document Number TR-NPL-000258
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Oct 1985
Replaces MDP-326-716 Issue01
ABSTRACT: Switched access services provide switched connections between customer locations and Interexchange Carriers (ICs) for furnishing
message telecommunications services. Characteristics of FGD switched access service include calling customer selection of IC and
identification of desired call destination in one dialing sequence, provision to IC of calling party identification, trunk side
connection of IC to Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) switching system, and answer supervision on terminating calls.
This Technical Reference (TR) describes the view of Telcordia on FGD switched access service. The document describes the
characteristics of FGD appearing at the interface, specifies the protocols for establishing LEC-to-IC and IC-to-LEC calls, and
summarizes the interactions that must occur at the Point Of Termination (POT) to achieve compatible operation.
TR-NPL-000258 replaced PUB-61201 and MDP-326-716..