Full Description
Metallic and Telegraph Grade Special Access Service Transmission Parameter Limits and Interface Combinations
Document Number TR-NPL-000336
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Oct 1987
ABSTRACT: Metallic Special Access services, MT1 through MT3, are nonswitched services used for applications such as alarm, pilot wire protective
relaying, and dc tripping protective relaying. Telegraph Special Access Service, TG1 and TG2, are also nonswitched services used for
applications such as teletypewriter, telegraph grade control/remote metering, telegraph grade channel, telegraph grade extension, and
telegraph grade entrance facilities.
This Technical Reference (TR) describes the view of Telcordia on both Metallic and Telegraph Grade Special Access Services and
covers distinguishing service features, technical requirements, and valid interfaces. The document provides a quantitative and
qualitative description of the services and their interfaces at the End User Point Of Termination (EU-POT) and at the Interexchange
Carrier Point Of Termination (IC-POT) so that compatible operation will be achieved.
TR-NPL-000336 replaced PUB-62502.
GR-334, TR-NWT-000335, TR-NPL-000336, GR-337, GR-338,
TR-NPL-000339, TR-NPL-000340, TR-NWT-000341, and GR-342 were formerly bundled as TR-TSY-000333.