Full Description
SONET Regenerator (SONET RGTR) Equipment Generic Criteria
Document Number TR-NWT-000917
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Dec 1990
Replaces TA-TSY-000917 Issue02
ABSTRACT: This document rplaces TA-TSY-000917.
With the rapid development of fiber-optic technology and the standardization of Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) for optical
transmission, new Network Elements (NEs) are emerging. A Synchronous Optical Network Regenerator (SONET RGTR) is a unidirectional
device that is able to receive a digital signal and retransmit it in a form in which the amplitude, waveforms, and timing
characteristics of the signal are constrained within specified limits. In general, the SONET RGTR is defined as section terminating
equipment and, in certain instances, may relay some or all Section Overhead through the RGTR.
This Technical Reference (TR) presents the view of Telcordia on generic criteria for SONET Regenerator Equipment that complies with
SONET Transport Systems generic requirements. Its goal is to provide basic functions and features of SONET RGTR equipment, and to
promote equipment compatibility with the network of a typical Local Exchange Carrier (LEC).