Full Description
Generic Requirements for Steam-Resistant Cables
Document Number TR-NWT-001322
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Jan 1994
Replaces TA-NWT-001322 Issue01
ABSTRACT: This Technical Reference (TR) sets forth the Telcordia view of generic technical requirements and characteristics for optical fiber
cables used in proximity of a steam distribution system in the outside plant portions of a client company's interoffice and
distribution networks. These requirements should be met in order to provide for satisfactory operation in a typical client company
environment. This document does not offer a complete definition of a specific product design.
This TR includes proposed functional design criteria, generic mechanical and optical requirements, desired features, and test
methods for comparing the product against the stated generic requirements. The specified test methods are intended to reflect the
operational conditions for optical fiber and cable audits.
TR-NWT-001322 replaces TA-NWT-001322.