Full Description
Generic Requirements for Modular Connecting Blocks
Document Number TR-NWT-001334
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Nov 1993
Replaces TA-NWT-001334 Issue01
ABSTRACT: The modular connecting block is composed of hardware that is used to mount, protect, and enclose standard network jacks.
This Technical Reference (TR) presents Telcordia Technologies view of generic requirements for modular connecting blocks and the
common individual components that constitute these products. These generic requirements are intended to promote consistency and
reliability when installing modular connecting blocks within a telephone network. It is also necessary to provide generic requirements
for the individual components (miniature 6-position jacks, mounting plates, faceplate, split rubber grommet, connecting wires, and
conductor terminals) of the connecting blocks to minimize any mechanical or electrical incompatibilities within existing network
TR-NWT-001334 replaces TA-NWT-001332.