Full Description
Switching System Overload Control Generic Requirements
Document Number TR-NWT-001358
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Sep 1993
Replaces TA-NWT-001358 Issue01
ABSTRACT: This document replaces TA-NWT-001358.
This Technical Reference (TR) provides quantitative benchmarks on the overload controlled switching system throughput (i.e.,
successfully processed call attempts), along with the quantitative description of the overload-related characteristics of offered
traffic (traffic volume and customer behavior).
These generic requirements supplement and enhance GR-505-CORE, LSSGR: Call Processing, Section 5, which stipulates that
the primary objective of overload controls on a switching system is to maintain throughput of successful calls regardless of the extent
or cause of the overload. A key requirement of this document is that the overload throughput should not fall below 90% of the
engineered capacity, if the overload does not exceed 30% in terms of the first attempts.