Full Description
Generic Requirements For Link Facility Fault Sectionalization Utilizing Digital Signal Zero (DS0) Interface For Common Channel Signaling (CCS) Networks
Document Number TR-OPT-000489
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Aug 1990
Replaces TA-TAP-000489 Issue03
ABSTRACT: This document replaces TA-TAP-000489.
As digital technology evolves, the opportunity presents itself to incorporate new expert systems circuit testing techniques into the
network. Ideally, the optimum fault testing and sectionalization strategy is for the network element to recognize the degradation of
the associated transmission medium, place the facility out of service, perform sectionalization tests, and then report the results to
the proper maintenance entity in machine language. One of the first obvious applications of this expert testing scheme is in the
Common Channel Signaling (CCS) network.
This Technical Reference (TR) provides the view of Telcordia on a comprehensive CCS network link maintenance technique for use by
Local Exchange Carriers (LECs) or other service providers in the maintenance of the CCS network. It defines maintenance functions to
be performed by network elements equipped with a Digital Signal Zero (DS0) interface to assist in the sectionalization of link faults.
The DS0 interface provides an opportunity for the development of in-depth maintenance testing of the links used in the CCS network.
This access to the CCS link circuit will allow the CCS network elements, such as the Signaling Transfer Point (STP), to perform link
monitoring, automatic link turn down, and trouble sectionalization, in most cases down to the circuit component level.