Full Description
Generic System Requirements in Support of Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service
Document Number TR-TSV-000772
Issue Number 01
Issue Date May 1991
Replaces TA-TSY-000772 Issue03
ABSTRACT: The widespread penetration of Local Area Networks (LANs) has firmly established high-speed data networking (several Mbps or greater) in
the intrapremises environment of Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) business customers. The growing availability of high-speed networking in
the local environment contrasts with the networking capabilities available for inter premises data communications. The needs of
customers are beginning to dictate that this wide-area bottleneck be eliminated. Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) is a
high-speed, connectionless, public packet switching service that will extend Local Area Network (LAN)-like performance beyond the
subscriber's premises, across a metropolitan or wide area.
This Technical Reference (TR) presents the Telcordia view of generic requirements for equipment intended for use in the LEC networks
in support of SMDS. The generic requirements and criteria contained in this document refer to the network supporting SMDS.
TR-TSV-000772 replaces TA-TSV-000772.