Full Description
Recorded Telephone Dictation Equipment: Interface Between 1/1A and 2/2B ESS Centrex Offices and Customer Premises Equipment
Document Number TR-TSY-000149
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Jun 1986
ABSTRACT: The recorded telephone dictation feature provides access to and control of customer premises telephone dictating equipment. Access to
and control of this equipment can be accomplished from stations, tie trunks, and dictating-machine attendants.
This Technical Reference (TR) describes the view of Telcordia on interface between customer premises recorded telephone dictation
equipment and a 1/1A ESS and 2/2B ESS switch.
NOTE: The information contained in this TR is current as of the 1985 documentation supplied by the manufacturer. For more current
information, users of this document should contact Lucent and the appropriate local telephone company.