Full Description
Emergency Restoration Facilities for Electronic Equipment Enclosures
Document Number TR-TSY-000252
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Dec 1985
Replaces TA-TSY-000252 Issue01
ABSTRACT: This document replaces TA-TSY-000252.
Mobile Emergency Restoration Facilities (ERFs) are intended to house telecommunications equipment that can be dispatched to a
damaged Remote Terminal (RT), e.g., an Above-Ground Electronic Equipment Enclosure (AG/EEE), or a Below-Ground Electronic Equipment
Enclosure (BG/EEE), to temporarily restore telecommunication's services. Environmental control equipment is necessary to satisfy
operational constraints of the housed electronic equipment and to provide a comfortable work place. The ERF should have the necessary
flexibility to permit temporary restoration of existing site configurations and to allow for some modifications to accommodate evolving
This Technical Reference (TR) inform designers, manufacturers and users of ERFs of the Telcordia view of the engineering and
technical requirements that must be met in order to ensure satisfactory performance of ERFs in a telecommunications outside plant