Full Description
Generic Requirements for the Craftsperson's Handset
Document Number TR-TSY-000344
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Aug 1986
ABSTRACT: The craftperson's handset is a tool used by the service provider's craftspeople to assist them in performing installation and
maintenance operations in the plant and on customer premises. The principle applications of these tests are: originating test calls on
Dual-Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) and dial-pulse system apparatus; and, testing the switching, continuity, and talking features of the
line circuit. The sets may also be used by themselves, or in conjunction with other test equipment, to locate trouble in various
portions of the circuit in the maintenance of station equipment and to interconnect wiring to the central office.
This Technical Reference (TR) provides the Telcordia view of the generic functional requirements for the design of hand test sets to
meet the needs of telecommunications craftspersons. The requirements in this document are intended to help ensure proper operation of
the handset when used in its various applications, and to help prevent possible network harm or potential hazardous situations to the
handset user.