Full Description
Microwave Digital Radio Systems Criteria
Document Number TR-TSY-000752
Issue Number 01
Issue Date Oct 1989
Replaces TA-TSY-000752 Issue01
ABSTRACT: This Technical Reference (TR) contains the view of Telcordia on generic requirements and objectives for digital microwave radio systems
with DS3 (44.736 Mbps) interfaces intended for use by Local Exchange Carriers (LECs).
The particular electrical and physical requirements and objectives cited in this publication are based on the view of Telcordia on
LEC maintenance and operating requirements, transmission objectives, equipment and design standards, and realizable performance to meet
typical LEC needs. The function of the microwave digital radio system in the 4-GHz, 6-GHz, and 11-GHz common carrier bands is to
reliably relay two or more DS3 signals between DS3 cross-connects.
The following documents were fully or partly replaced by TR-TSY-000752: TA-TSY-000752, TA-TSY-000236, MDP-326-314 and PUB-43502.
When using TR-TSY-000752, you may need to refer to GR-499, GR-63, GR-78, GR-499 (replaced TR-TSY-000191),
SR-332, GR-454, GR-474, TR-TSY-000481, TR-TSY-000824, and/or EIA RS422. You may also want to refer to
TR-NWT-000154, GR-499 (replaced TR-TSY-000191), TA-NWT-000406, GR-513, IP-10260, and IP-10300.